About Us

LGBTQ Resource Center Mission
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Resource Center provides various educational programs, advocacy initiatives, community building opportunities, and celebratory events to Georgetown students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Inspired by the Catholic and Jesuit principles of respect for the dignity of all, cura personalis, and as part of the Office of Student Equity and Inclusion (OSEI), the center is committed to co-creating a safer, more inclusive and welcoming environment for all Hoyas and promoting better understanding and integration of diversity, equity, and inclusion with the entire campus community. We do this through three main areas:
- Community and Queer Joy: The LGBTQ Resource Center cultivates community among students, faculty, staff, and alumni that is rooted in justice and queer joy. The Center puts on annual programming such as OUTober and Lavender Graduation, as well as other events throughout the year. We also partner with a variety of LGBTQ+ student organizations and the LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group on campus to create synergy around being LGBTQ+ at GU. We work closely with the Georgetown Alumni Affinity Engagement team to build a network of queer alumni and provide opportunities for alumni to connect with one another as well as the center and current students on the Hilltop.
- Leadership and Engagement: We offer a variety of engagement opportunities that help students reflect, cultivate, and develop their leadership skills and unique strengths. Students may serve on event planning committees for various campus wide events and programs throughout the academic year. Our student staff serve as ambassadors to the center connecting peers to resources while assisting with the day-to-day operations of the Center.
- Education, Advocacy, and Empowerment: The LGBTQ Center seeks to advocate on behalf of and uplift the voices of LGBTQ students. We work individually with students to help address challenges or barriers that they may encounter at Georgetown while empowering students to be the change they want to see in the world. Additionally, the Center, in collaboration with other offices, often invites speakers to campus to participate in dialogues that challenge oppressive ideologies and encourage individuals to reflect on how we all can make Georgetown safer and more inclusive for all. As a semi-confidential Title IX reporting space, we are here to assist students in navigating the University’s Bias Reporting system for incidents inside and outside of the classroom.
Our Jesuit Values
We envision the work of the Center in the context of our understanding of Jesuit values and principles, and believe that the Center’s work is most understood in the context of the best and the highest ideals of such principles particularly in institutions of higher education and learning. Guided by the University’s Jesuit values of cura personalis, Academic Excellence, Educating the Whole Person, Faith & Justice, People for Others, Interreligious Understanding, and Community in Diversity we work towards creating a space and community where all are welcome, celebrated, and given opportunities for full actualization of their potential.
We understand that “passion” without “compassion” is misplaced, and “compassion” without “passion” is mere pity. We seek to appreciate the inherent mysteries and paradox of our common human condition, and find ways to support all community members to achieve a full range of expression of their own humanity.
We offer below some sharings from our Jesuit leaders as we shape the work of the Center, and with the understanding that the conversation at the intersection of LGBTQ/Faith is one of the most important, crucial, and thoughtful we can undertake.