Tagliabue Initiative for LGBTQ Life

Fostering Formation & Transformation

2011 Announcement of Tagliabue Initiative for LGBTQ Life

The Georgetown University LGBTQ Resource Center is happy to announce that Paul J. Tagliabue (C’62) and his wife, Chandler, have made a $5 million gift to the University, $1 million of which will establish the Tagliabue Initiative for LGBTQ Life: Fostering Formation and Transformation. This new initiative will be under the direction of the LGBTQ Resource Center and the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs.

“The Center is inspired by Catholic and Jesuit principles of respect for the dignity of all and education of the whole person, and we are very pleased to support its services that provide a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for LGBTQ students and promote their acceptance in the entire campus community,” the Tagliabues said in a statement.

The announcement comes as the University launches the $1.5 billion fundraising campaign, For Generations to Come. Paul Tagliabue is the chair of Georgetown’s board of directors and Former National Football League Commissioner.

The staff of the LGBTQ Resource Center thanks the students, staff, faulty, and alumni for the role that each of you continue to play in the LGBTQ & Ally community on campus. Without you, our work and accomplishments would not be possible. We’re looking forward to sharing the experience of the Tagliabue’s generous gift with you as we fulfill this vision and welcome you to join us in the near future for a celebratory reception.

For the full announcement, read: “Board Chair Endows Scholarships, Other Measures to Kick Off Campaign”.

2018 Recognition of Paul and Chan Tagliabue

At the 10th annual Lavender Graduation, we were honored to present Paul and Chan Tagliabue with an award in gratitude for their commitment to LGBTQ and Ally communities and their vision that allows us to “dwell in possibility.”