Additional Resources

Below are additional resources relevant to transgender and non-binary students at Georgetown. We encourage you to reach out to us at with further questions.

The National Center for Transgender Equality is a non-profit social justice organization advocating for transgender people in the United States. They maintain an exhaustive database of resources an information on gender-affirming healthcare, ID documents, and state, local, and national legislation.

The Trevor Project is a national non-profit organization focused on suicide prevention and mental health support for LGBTQ young people. They offer 24/7 support services to LGBTQ youth in crisis over text, chat, or telephone, as well as educational resources and research.

The Transgender Law Center is a US-based legal and civil rights organization fighting for transgender Americans. They offer guides to help navigate common legal issues transgender people face and a legal information help desk to answer questions and provide resources.

I Think I Might Be Transgender, Now What Do I Do? is a guide written by transgender young people and produced by the non-profit organization Advocates For Youth. The guide is intended to serve as a resource for questioning youth and to provide support around issues of gender identity, coming out, transition, and healthy relationships.

Bias Reporting

Any member of the university community can make a report about a possible bias-related incident or hate crime

  • through the Bias Reporting System, or
  • by reporting a hate crime to the Georgetown University Police Department at (202) 687-4343 or the Georgetown Law Campus Police Department at (202) 662-9325

The Bias Reporting Team includes trained professionals from across Georgetown, including the Center for Multicultural Equity & Access, LGBTQ Resource Center, Women’s Center, Office of Residential Living, Office of Mission & Ministry, the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, & Affirmative Action (IDEAA), the Office of Equity & Inclusion (Georgetown Law), and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (School of Medicine).

Please Note: You should not use this form to report a sexual assault. Any report of a sexual assault through this system will be shared with the Title IX Coordinator. The confidential resources on campus for reporting sexual assault are Health Education Services and Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS).

Discrimination Complaints

The Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Affirmative Action (IDEAA) reviews, investigates, and resolves alleged violations of the University’s Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination in Employment and Non-Discrimination in Education Policies, Affirmative Action Policy, the Policy Statement on Harassment, the Policy on Sexual Misconduct, and the Policy on Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships.

If you believe you have experienced discrimination in violation of one of these policies, or are aware of discrimination occurring in a Georgetown University program or activity, you may choose to file a complaint with IDEAA. To review the University’s Grievance Procedure or file a discrimination complaint with IDEAA, please refer to the Grievance Procedures  and the Discrimination Complaint Form . Additional information about IDEAA’s complaint investigation and administrative review processes is available in IDEAA’s Frequently Asked Questions  document.

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) prohibits discrimination based on sex in any educational programs, which includes sexual harassment or any acts of sexual misconduct. Title IX requires the University, upon becoming aware of any incident of sexual harassment and misconduct to respond appropriately to protect and maintain the safety of the University community, including students, faculty, and staff. 

Georgetown University prohibits sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking. 

Discrimination based on sex, including sexual misconduct and discrimination based on pregnancy or parenting status, subverts the University’s mission and threatens permanent damage to the educational experience, careers, and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. 

This site is designed to be a resource for students, faculty, and staff on issues relating to sexual misconduct, discrimination based on sex, and discrimination based on pregnancy, including options for getting immediate help; the University’s policies against sexual misconduct; how to report sexual misconduct; the University’s Sexual Misconduct Reference Guide; and campus initiatives