OUTober 2018
OCT 1: LGBTQ rights in the non-western world, 6:30 pm
Location: Hariri 350
Join McDonough School of Business’s Diversity Week kick-off event: a panel discussion on LGBTQ rights in the non-western world. With guest speakers Ron Schlitler, Program Coordinator, American Psychiatric Association Office of LGBT Concerns; Shige Sakurai, Associate Director, UMD LGBT Equity Center; and Ryan Ubuntu Olson, Senior Program Advisor, Health Policy Plus. Hosted by Out@MSB, McDonough Student & Evening Student Government Association, and the Georgetown LGBT Resource Center.
Register here: https://engagemba.msb.edu/event/2812815
Location: LGBTQ Resource Center
The LGBTQ Resource Center recognizes the importance of building relationships between LGBTQ and ally students, faculty, and staff. We invite you to join Professors Ricardo Ortiz and Amanda Phillips of the English Department in the LGBTQ Resource Center for coffee, snacks, and conversation.
Dr. Amanda Phillips is Assistant Professor of English and Film and Media Studies at Georgetown University. She teaches video game studies and game design and writes about death, race, queerness, gender, and social justice in video games, technology, and popular culture.
Dr. Ricardo Ortiz began serving as Chair of Georgetown University’s Department of English on 1 July 2015; he is an Associate Professor of US Latino Literature and Culture and also served as Director of Graduate Studies from July 2008 to July 2014. While Prof. Ortiz specializes in U.S. Latino/a Literatures and Cultures, he is also interested in teaching and research in hemispheric, transnational “Américas” Studies, critical and cultural theory, cultural studies, intellectual history, race, gender and queer theory, political theory, and popular culture. Professor Ortiz was also instrumental in the formation of the Working Groups on LGBTQ issues and the founding of the LGBTQ Resource Center in 2008.
RSVP preferred: tinyurl.com/oct2coffee
Oct 2: Gender & Queer expressions in the performing arts, 6:30 pm
Location: HFSC Herman Room
QPOC, WOC, Pride, and V-Formation would like to invite you to join us in starting a discussion on aspects of gender and queer expression. This discussion will be an open forum based around the context of the performing arts. From the history of vogue to current pop culture, how are gender and queerness being perceived or expressed? And how can performance on campus evolve to nurture inclusion?
Dinner will be provided.
OCT 4: “Defective” body-minds: thinking about disability, race, transness, and cure, 6 PM
Location: HFSC Social Room
Combining storytelling, critical analysis, and poetry, Eli Clare digs into the multiple ways marginalized peoples are deemed defective and the consequences of that naming. A disabled and genderqueer activist and celebrated writer, Clare is the author of Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure and Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation.
White, disabled, and genderqueer, Eli Clare lives near Lake Champlain in occupied Abenaki territory (currently known as Vermont) where he writes and proudly claims a penchant for rabble-rousing. He has written two books of creative non-fiction, Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure and Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation, and a collection of poetry, The Marrow’s Telling: Words in Motion, and has been published in many periodicals and anthologies. Eli speaks, teaches, and facilitates all over the United States and Canada at conferences, community events, and colleges about disability, queer and trans identities, and social justice. Among other pursuits, he has walked across the United States for peace, coordinated a rape prevention program, and helped organize the first ever Queerness and Disability Conference.
Oct 4: Chai Chat, 8 pm
Location: Arrupe Multipurpose Room
In celebration of LGBTQ+ History Month this October and the Indian Supreme Court striking down a colonial era ban on gay sex, SAS will be having a Chai Chat discussing LGBTQ+ narratives within the South Asian community.
OCT 9: CHAPLAINS’ TEA, 3 – 3:50 pm
Location: Healy Hall Foyer
Take a break for tea and snacks with the LGBTQ Center and Campus Ministry Chaplains and staff. A Prayer for Peace and Justice will follow in Dahlgren Quad.
OCT 9: coming out: is it relevant?, 6 pm
Location: LGBTQ Resource Center
Is “coming out” an antiquated idea? Who is represented in depictions of “coming out”? Is there still value in the coming out narrative? How can we re-think or complicate a linear understanding of coming out? Join us for a conversation on the complexities of coming out narratives and how they affect LGBTQ communities.
Location: Red Square
Join our annual Coming Out Day celebration, featuring a door through which students “come out” as proud LGBTQ Hoyas and Allies. Be sure to pick up and wear your “I AM” t-shirt throughout the day. Join us for a picture on Healy steps at 12:30 pm.
Oct 13: Queer Coffeehouse, 7:30 pm
Location: Bulldog Alley
Queer Coffeehouse is an open mic event that serves to provide a supportive, comfortable space for students to artistically express themselves. Join us for a night of snacks, music, coffee, poetry, and more. While the goal is to amplify LGBTQ+ voices, all are welcome and encouraged to participate!
OCT 15: “edges that blur,” Dr. Dan Porterfield & Dr. Marcia Chatelain, 5 – 6:30 pm
“Edges that Blur”: The Interstices of Student Activism and Instutional Response
A Conversation with Dr. Dan Porterfield (COL ’83) & Dr. Marcia Chatelain
Location: HFSC Social Room
RSVP requested here: https://edgesthatblur.eventbrite.com
As we close out the 10th anniversary of the LGBTQ Center, please join us in this exciting conversation with two of the most compelling critical thinkers in higher education, who will explore the nuanced relationship between student activism and institutional response and responsibility.
The founding of the LGBTQ Center, like many other Centers before and since, was partly an institutional response to a specific, student-led Out for Change Campaign in the Fall of 2007 that held the University accountable for hate crimes on campus. That is the easy narrative. The more complex story is how, at various “moments” in institutional memory and history, there emerges a time when student demands supported by key institutional actors lead to large changes and reforms. Student activism has had a long history in American higher education from its very earliest days and has helped shape and inform our understanding of “education” in the US context.
The simple story is of “demand” and “resistance.” The more layered one is of the complex dance of demand, collaboration, co-optation, discernment, and transformation. Institutions are not abstract, but made of the very constituents it seems both to embody and to resist.
Dr. Dan Porterfield (COL ’83)
Daniel R. Porterfield, Ph.D. (COL ’83) is the current President and CEO of the Aspen Institute, a leading educational and policy studies organization based in Washington, DC geared towards fostering leadership based on enduring values and providing a nonpartisan venue for dealing with critical issues. Prior to this position, Porterfield served for seven years as the President of Franklin & Marshall College (F&M), where he led F&M in the development of the Next Generation Initiative talent strategy. The Next Generation Initiative has helped to galvanize the creation of a national project of the Aspen Institute’s College Excellence Program, the American Talent Initiative (ATI). Funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the ATI has a national goal of enrolling 50,000 more high-achieving low-income students in leading institutions by 2025.
Prior to his appointment at F&M, Porterfield served as Senior Vice President for Strategic Development for his alma mater, Georgetown University. In this role, he led Georgetown’s institutional positioning, strategy formation, communications, government relations, community relations, and intercollegiate athletics, and spearheaded the University’s relationship with DC Public Schools and founded a number of Georgetown programs for immigrant children, DC students, and at-risk youth. Porterfield served in this position during the Out for Change Campaign in 2007 and was instrumental in the development of the Working Groups on LGBTQ issues at Georgetown and the founding of the LGBTQ Resource Center in 2008.
He earned B.A. degrees from Georgetown and Oxford—where he was a Rhodes Scholar—and a Ph.D. from The City University of New York Graduate Center, where he was awarded a Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities.
A native of Baltimore, Dan and his wife, attorney Karen A. Herrling, have three children.
Learn more:
- Watch Dr. Porterfield discuss higher education and public trust on a panel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=9UVCWKMjwv0
- Watch Dr. Porterfield discuss student health needs in college on a panel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=40&v=rW2jkJm2EXY
Dr. Marcia Chatelain
Marcia Chatelain is a Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor of History and African American Studies at Georgetown University. The author of South Side Girls: Growing up in the Great Migration (Duke University Press, 2015), Chatelain is a public voice on the history of African American children, race in America, as well as social movements. In 2014, Chatelain organized her fellow scholars in a social media response to the crisis in Ferguson, Missouri, entitled #FergusonSyllabus. #FergusonSyllabus has led to similar initiatives online and has shaped curricular projects in K-12 settings, as well as academia. A frequent public speaker and consultant to educational institutions, Chatelain delivers lectures and workshops on inclusive teaching, social movements, and food justice. Chatelain has contributed to TheAtlantic.com, Time.com, Ms. Magazine, and The Chronicle of Higher Education, and she has also been quoted in articles in the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, and The Chronicle of Higher Education; she has appeared on local television and national outlets including C-SPAN, MSNBC, CNN, BBC-America, and PBS. Chatelain hosts, “Office Hours: A Podcast,” in which she talks to millennials about what is most important to them.
Chatelain is a proud graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia, where she was a Harry S. Truman Scholar, and she holds a Ph.D. in American Civilization from Brown University. In 2016, Chatelain was named a “Top Influencer in Higher Education,” by The Chronicle of Higher Education. She is currently the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fellow at the New America Foundation in Washington, D.C. During the 2017-2018 academic year, Chatelain was on leave from Georgetown as a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow.
Learn more:
- Watch Dr.Chatelain’s TEACHx17 Keynote on using social media as a tool for inclusive teaching: https://vimeo.com/218786805
- Watch Dr.Chatelain’s speech for Creative Mornings titled “Creativity, Art, and History of (in)equality”: https://creativemornings.com/talks/marcia-chatelain
If you were unable to attend, find a video of the full event here.
OCT 17: International pronouns day
International Pronouns Day seeks to make asking, sharing, and respecting personal pronouns commonplace. Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and gender nonconforming people. Together, we can transform society to celebrate people’s multiple, intersecting identities.
Check out https://pronounsday.org/ for FAQs, resources, and information on how to participate in International Pronouns Day.
Oct 24: an evening with Jose Antonio Vargas, 6 pm
Location: Gaston Hall
Jose Antonio Vargas is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Emmy-nominated filmmaker, and a leading voice for the human rights of immigrants. He is the founder and CEO of Define American, the nation’s leading non-profit media and culture organization that fights injustice and anti-immigrant hate through the power of storytelling. Moderated by Dr. Marcia Chatelain, Jose Antonio Vargas will be at Georgetown University on October 24th to discuss his new memoir, Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen.
There will be a book signing and reception immediately following the discussion.
Hosted by GU Undocumented Student Support Services.
Oct 26: Rocky horror picture show, 9 pm
Location: ICC Auditorium
GUPride is teaming up with GPB to produce the first ever screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at Georgetown! Join us in Bulldog Alley on the Friday of Halloweekend for the craziest, funniest, and zaniest film screening you’ve ever seen.
About the Show:
The Rocky Horror Picture show is a 1975 musical comedy horror science-fiction fantasy film created by Richard O’Brien. Still in limited release four decades after its premiere, it is the longest-running theatrical release in film history. Today, the film has a large international following, and it is often shown close to Halloween with a “shadow cast,” who acts out the film while it’s playing. It was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress in 2005.
OCT 29: queer youth in iconic gay neighborhoods, Dr. Theo GReene, 6 pm
Location: HFSC Herman Room
Join the LGBTQ Resource Center for a conversation between Dr. Theo Greene (COL ’02), Austin Seaborn (MSFS ’15) of the Beeck Center, and Teak Hodge (SFS ’21) of the LGBTQ Resource Center on imagined communities, gayborhoods, and the formation of queer street families.
Greene is a Visiting Scholar in Residence at American University’s Department of Public Administration and Policy.Greene’s research broadly uses sexual communities to understand how the sociocultural and economic conditions associated with the postindustrial city shape and reconfigure how individuals conceptualize, identify to, and participate in local communities. His current book project, entitled Not in MY Gayborhood: Gay Neighborhoodsand the Rise of the Vicarious Citizen, draws on ethnographic, archival, and interview data collected from iconic gay neighborhoods in Washington, DC and Chicago to develop a framework for understanding how community actors legitimate claims of ownership to a neighborhood community in the absence of residential, network, and material ties (vicarious citizenship).
Greene received his B.A. in English and History at Georgetown University before receiving his M.A. in Sociology, Ph.D. in Sociology, and Graduate Certificate in Gender and Sexuality Studies from Northwestern University.
If you were unable to attend, find a video of the conversation here.
OCT 30: new faces of politics, del. danica roem, 6:30 pm
Location: HFSC Social Room
It’s 2018. Politics is changing. Danica Roem is a representative in the Virginia House of Delegates, and is the first openly trans person to serve in any US state legislature. She triumphed through a particularly contentious race in which her opponent prided himself as the “chief homophobe” in Virginia. Come to hear her speak on her journey and her story, and for a meet-and-greet after the event!
NOV 2: queer kitchen, 3:30 – 5 pm
Location: Arrupe Kitchen
Wrap up OUTober with an afternoon of cooking and appreciating what brings communities together—food! Menu to come closer to the date.
RSVP via Eventbrite.
NOV 7: Q&A: Queer&Asian dialogue, 6 pm
Location: LGBTQ Resource Center
In a joint celebration of OUTober and API Heritage Month at Georgetown, the Asian Pacific Islander Leadership Forum (APILF) will be hosting a dialogue on Queer and Asian identity at the LGBTQ Center. APILF will facilitate a discussion on exploring the intersection of ethnicity, race, gender, and sexuality. Queer Asians and affirming allies of any identity are welcome to join! We encourage you to come and learn with us!
NOV 8: Queer Sexual HEalth Night, 6 pm – 7 pm
Location: Leavey Program Room
Join GUPride, along with Health Education Services and Student Health, for a panel discussion on all the resources available to queer and trans students when it comes to sexual/reproductive health. Free HIV testing will be offered!
nov 10: SAPE’s WERC summit, 9:30 AM – 3:30 pm
RSVP requested via Eventbrite.
The Georgetown University Sexual Assault Peer Educators (SAPE) are excited to host a one-day sexual assault education and advocacy summit, WERC: Working to End Rape Culture, at Georgetown bringing together students, administrators and community organizations from across the DMV area. The goal of this summit is to bring together campuses and resources passionate about building survivor-centric communities and expand the scope of the people who engage in dialogue around sexual assault response and prevention. During the summit, students and staff from various universities and community organizations will have the opportunity to connect and learn from each other about various strategies and practices for addressing sexual violence on campus.
Throughout the day, participants will divide into a number of different breakout sessions spotlightbig different aspects of the topic or featuring particular organizations discussing their work. These sessions will create the space for conversations as students share their thoughts and gain precious insight from others about various strategies and practices for addressing sexual violence in our communities. The goal of this summit is to connect campuses and resources passionate about building inclusive survivor-centric spaces and expand the scope of the people who engage in dialogue around sexual assault response and prevention. Lunch will be provided.
Presented by:
- LGBTQ Resource Center
- Tagliabue Initiative for LGBTQ Life
- GU Pride
- GU Queer People of Color (QPOC)
- The McDonough Alliance
- Division of Student Affairs
- Office of the President
- Office of the Provost
- Campus Ministry
- Department of English
- Department of Philsophy
- Department of Sociology
- Department of Theology
- Disability Studies Program
- Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS)
- Doyle Engage Difference Program
- GU Undocumented Student Services
- Lannan Center for Poetics and Social Practice
- Georgetown Program Board (GPB)
- GU Asian Pacific Islander Leadership Forum (APILF)
- GU College Democrats
- GU South Asian Society (SAS)
- GU V-Formation
- GU Women of Color
- The Lecture Fund
- Out@MSB
- Sexual Assault Peer Educators (SAPE)