OUTober 2022
It’s time for OUTober 2022, Georgetown’s celebration of LGBTQ+ History Month. In OUTober, we reflect on the histories of LGBTQ students, faculty and staff within Georgetown and celebrate the gifts of our community.
To celebrate OUTober, stop by the Women’s Center (Leavey 327, Monday-Friday, 12-4 pm) to pick up a copy of Hidden Mercy: AIDS, Catholics, and the Untold Stories of Compassion in the Face of Fear in anticipation of our October 20 event with Michael O’Loughlin
Sunday, October 9: Arrupe Arcade/GU Gaming Club Queer Games Party
On Sunday, October 9, from 2-5, GU Gaming will have an OUTober-themed Arrupe Arcade. Explore LGBTQIA+ representation and queer mechanics (ask Prof. Amanda Phillips about it!) in video and board games across genres. Free pizza provided.
Tuesday, October 11: Jack Talk with Daniel Pino
Come out, come out, whoever you are! Join the School of Continuing Studies for October’s Jack Talk featuring Daniel Pino, a proud 2018 graduate of the Public Relations & Corporate Communications program and recipient of the Spirit of Georgetown Award. An openly gay man living with HIV, Daniel has dedicated his academic and professional pursuits to ending HIV/AIDS and achieving LGBTQ equality. Currently, Daniel works at the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation where he spearheads innovative communications projects focused on ending HIV and AIDS in children, youth, and families globally. Join us this National Coming Out Day for what will be an inspiring conversation about how to be your full self at work, and the ways you can fuse your passions for social justice and communications into a career that can change the world.
Date: Tuesday, October 11
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. ET
Format: Virtual
Audience: Current students, alumni, faculty, staff
RSVP Form: Linked here

Tuesday, October 11: A Town Hall with Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Institute of Politics and Public Service and SiriusXM invite you to A Town Hall with Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Tuesday, October 11, 5-6 p.m. ET
Gaston Hall, Healy Hall
Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation
Julie Mason, Host of Julie Mason Mornings on SiriusXM
Mo Elleithee, Executive Director of Georgetown’s Institute of Politics and Public Service
Join the 19th Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, Georgetown’s Institute of Politics and Public Service and SiriusXM for a town hall and live recording of Julie Mason Mornings SiriusXM show on the bipartisan infrastructure bill President Biden signed into law last fall.
- Doors open at 4:00 p.m.
- Valid GU ID is required for entry.
- Entry is free and on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Pre-registration does not guarantee a seat in the Hall.
- Please enter through the south tower of Healy Hall, near Library Walk.
- The line will form on the 2nd floor of Healy Hall.
- No food or drink is allowed in Gaston Hall.

Thursday, October 13: Meet Your Chaplains Panel
Meet Your Chaplains Panel | Thurs., Oct., 13 | 4 to 6 PM | Arrupe Multipurpose Room
LGBTQ+ Hoyas and allies are invited to meet Campus Ministry’s chaplains to discuss their commitment to the meaning, purpose, and belonging of the LGBTQ+ community. Co-sponsored by Campus Ministry and the LGBTQ Resource Center.
Friday, October 14: Coming Out Day Celebration in Red Square
On Friday, October 14th, GU Pride and QPOC will be celebrating National Coming Out Day on Red Square outside the ICC! We’ll be chalking up the square, giving out Pride t-shirts and stickers, and celebrating our pride in our identities.
4-6 pm, Red Square

Friday, October 14: Diagnosing Desire with Alyson Spurgas
7:00-8:00 pm
ASL interpreted
Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/aspurgas
Sponsored by the Women’s and Gender Studies Program, the Disability Studies Program, and the LGBTQ Resource Center
Diagnosing Desire: Biopolitics and Femininity into the Twenty-First Century interrogates the medical regulation and technoscientific production of “receptive” or “responsive” sexual desire in women. Through in-depth qualitative research and incisive textual analysis, Spurgas complicates reductive explanations for gender differences in sexual desire and arousal patterns, highlighting instead the embodied, psychic, and material effects of gendered trauma, sexual care work, and white feminine
Alyson K. Spurgas (they/she) is Associate Professor of Sociology and affiliated faculty in the Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Program at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. Spurgas researches, writes, and teaches about the sociology of trauma, the politics of desire, and technologies of care from an interdisciplinary and intersectional feminist perspective. They are the author of Diagnosing Desire: Biopolitics and Femininity into the Twenty-First Century (Ohio State University Press, 2020), which won the 2021 Cultural Studies Association First Book Prize , and Decolonize Self-Care, forthcoming this Fall 2022 from OR Books. Check out www.alysonkspurgas.com for info about Alyson’s writing, teaching, speaking events, and more.
Sunday, October 16: OUTober Sunday Night Worship Service
OUTober Sunday Night Worship Service | Sun., Oct., 16 | 7 PM | Sr. Thea Bowman Chapel.
In the spirit of love and unity, all identities are invited to join the Protestant Christian community for Pride Sunday as they dedicate Sunday Night Worship to the LGBTQ+ community.
Monday, October 17: Arrupe Queer Space
On Monday, October 17, from 4-6 pm, we’ll have Queer Space @ Arrupe in the Multipurpose Room. This month, we’ll do some fall crafting with mini pumpkins and gourds. Snacks, coffee, and tea provided. Come through for community and art therapy!
Tuesday, October 18: OUTober Chaplains’ Tea
OUTober Chaplains’ Tea | Tues., Oct. 18 | 3 PM | Dahlgren Quad Tent
Join Campus Ministry chaplains and staff as we welcome the LGBTQ Resource Center to Chaplains’ Tea to celebrate OUTober. For those who wish to attend, please join us for our Prayer for Peace and Justice immediately following from 3:50 pm to 4:00 pm.

Tuesday, October 18: OUTober Interfaith Service
OUTober Interfaith Service | Tues., Oct. 18 | 6 PM | HFSC Social Room
LGBTQ+ Hoyas and allies are invited to attend this interfaith service hosted by Campus Ministry and the LGBTQ Resource Center.
Thursday, October 20: Hidden Mercy: AIDS, Catholics, and the Untold Stories of Compassion in the Face of Fear
Set against the backdrop of the HIV and AIDS epidemic of the late twentieth century and the Catholic Church’s crackdown on gay and lesbian activists, journalist Michael O’Loughlin searches out the untold stories of those who didn’t look away, who at great personal cost chose compassion–even as he seeks insight for LGBTQ people of faith struggling to find a home in religious communities today. This is one journalist’s–gay and Catholic himself–compelling picture of those quiet heroes who responded to human suffering when so much of society–and so much of the church–told them to look away. These pure acts of compassion and mercy offer us hope and inspiration as we continue to confront existential questions about what it means to be Americans, Christians, and human beings responding to those most in need.
On Thursday, October 20 at 4 pm in the Arrupe Multipurpose Room, journalist Michael O’Loughlin (America Magazine) will be in conversation with Dr. Annie Selak (Georgetown Women’s Center) to discuss these untold stories of compassion in the face of fear. This event is part of OUTober and sponsored by the LGBTQ Resource Center, Campus Ministry, and the Women’s Center. Free copies of the book are available to the Georgetown University community in the Women’s Center (327 Leavey), 12-4 Monday-Friday.

Thursday, October 20: International Pronouns Day

International Pronouns Day seeks to make asking, sharing, and respecting personal pronouns commonplace. Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and gender nonconforming people. Together, we can transform society to celebrate people’s multiple, intersecting identities.
Check out https://pronounsday.org/ for FAQs, resources, and information on how to participate in International Pronouns Day.
Sunday, October 23: Mass of Belonging
Mass of Belonging | Sun., Oct., 23 | 8 pm | Dahlgren Chapel
Everyone is invited to attend this very special celebration emphasizing the inclusion and appreciation of the LGBTQ+ community. Along with Catholic LGBTQ+ students and allies, we hope to see you there. All faith traditions are welcome.
Monday, October 24: Sex in the Dark: Healthy Sexuality at Georgetown and Beyond
Stay anonymous in this lights-off event while national experts answer your deepest, darkest questions. No question too simple — or too outrageous. This is gonna be interesting! Sex in the Dark is sexual health programming that acknowledges the lives of 2022 university students while providing sound and accurate answers to your questions.
Free glow bracelets & necklaces.
Monday, October 24
7 pm
Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri

Monday, October 24: Scripting Consenting Fictions in Sex Robots, Queer Games, and Other Emerging Technologies: A Talk by Dr. Josef Nguyen
“Scripting Consenting Fictions in Sex Robots, Queer Games, and Other Emerging Technologies”
Dr. Josef Nguyen
Associate Professor of Critical Media Studies
University of Texas at Dallas
Monday, October 24th
4-5:30 PM, Film Screen Classroom (New South)
Sponsored by the Women’s and Gender Studies and Film and Media Studies Programs
From mobile phone apps for recording consent to robotic sex dolls programmed to refuse erotic advances, emerging digital technologies are a key site of negotiating the meanings and practices of sexual consent in contemporary U.S. culture. This talk interrogates how such digital technologies often reify deterministic constructions or scripted fictions of sexual consent that impede a just politics of erotic and bodily autonomy. These emerging digital technologies rehearse longstanding conceptions of consent itself as a kind of digital technology of social governance, one that toggles between binary states of consent and non-consent as precondition for sex as bodily access. In addition to complicating this dominant fiction of consent pervasive in technological design that is core to contract law under liberal humanism, this talk considers how queer games such as Robert Yang’s Hurt Me Plenty and Jimmy Andrew and Loren Schmidt’s Realistic Kissing Simulator explore alternative and more liberatory scripts of consent in the interest of intimate and erotic collaboration and care.
Masks requested.

Friday, October 28: Pride Shabbat & Dinner
Pride Shabbat & Dinner | Fri. Oct. 28 | 5:30 PM | Makóm (Leavey Center)
Jewish Life invites all Hoyas to a special invitation to join us for Pride Shabbat services during which we will proudly celebrate OUTober with reflections and readings throughout the Shabbat service. We’d be honored by the presence of LGBTQ+ Hoyas of all backgrounds and your friends.
Sunday, October 30: Weekly Āratī: Dharmas & the Third Nature
Weekly Āratī: Dharmas & the Third Nature | Sun., Oct., 30 | 5 to 5:45 PM | Dharmic Meditation Center (Leavey Center) | followed by dinner
Join us for a Weekly Āratī gathering that will highlight the Third Nature in Dharmic traditions, which understood over 40 gender identities and sexual orientations to be a natural part of human existence. Hoyas of all identities and backgrounds are welcome to our theist and non-theist gathering, and the dinner that follows.
Presented By:
- LGBTQ Resource Center
- Tagliabue Initiative for LGBTQ Life
- GU Pride
- GU Queer People of Color (QPOC)
- Haus of Hoya
In Partnership With:
- Division of Student Affairs
- Gender+ Justice Initiative
- Office of the President
- Office of the Provost
- Office of Campus Ministry